Advertising through digital & interactive media

Pros and Cons of Modern Media in the Advertising & Marketing Word

In today’s world, there are thousands of ways to share information.  Sometimes the sharing of information can be done instantaneously.  This has been a great way to expand marketing and advertising; however, there is always at least one downside.

Back in the day, creating advertisements was pretty simple.  During most of the 20th century there was print media, radio, and television that only included a few channels.  Nowadays, there are hundreds of platforms that can be used to advertise and market: Apps, the Internet, television, radio, print, and more.  533171-ae0988ad43b67896d4e7b3e12c38f779.jpg

One of the pros of modern media is that we, as advertisers and marketers, can reach significantly more people than ever before.  It’s also easier for us to target certain audiences.  An awesome thing about advertising using the internet is that we can use “cookies” to learn about our audience and target individuals.  This allows us to make sure some ads are seen by the most important or relevant audiences.  Another great thing about advertising today is that we can receive instant feedback on what we are putting out there.  Social media is a great way to interact with consumers and hear their ideas and thoughts.

Sadly, with good press comes bad press.  Since people can instantly share their thoughts, it’s easier for consumers to slander a business and their advertisements.  Another issue with advertising today is that there are so many platforms that are ever changing.  Advertisers and marketer have to be meticulous with where they choose to share their ads.  It can be very expensive to run an ad, so you want to make sure you share it on a platform that will reach as many people as possible, as well as a platform that will appeal to the group you’re targeting.

Advertising will continue to change, which means advertisers and marketers will have to continue to adapt to the ever-changing world around them.  

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